I have had a number of friends visit so far (more are welcome) including Ron, who among other things had fun tormenting the community cat, Happy Cat. There are two other cats here, but they are not particularly tame, one doesn't let people touch her at all, the other tends to mostly hang out at Michael's.

As long as I am introducing pets, Deleha's dog, who is kind of a community dog too, is named Big Dog. The story is she was named by a young girl who also had a Small Dog, but Dehela got her after she was named. She is not really very big at all, except her ears.

And here are some wild turkeys I saw below the sunny garden. There were 4 adults and a bunch of chicks. The chicks are faster at getting away so by the time I was taking pictures most of them had run/flown into the bushes and out of camera range. You can see a few of the chicks in the first two photos. We all hope they don't come into the garden and make a mess of it. A few deer did get into the shady garden recently because gates were left open. Big Dog knows how to open all the gates, but not close them.
As for other wild life, saw a large gopher snake a few weeks ago and I have seen quite a few smallish striped snakes in the garden, and two rattle snakes have been seen around.
(You can click on the photos to make them larger.)