Strawberry House Roof !!!

Strawberry house is getting a pretty traditional roof, plywood, tarpaper, metal. We are just done putting up the plywood, 1 1/8 inch thick pieces scavenged from a huge deck. Tarpaper started going up today.
Getting the plywood up on the roof was hard work, the pieces are heavy we had two or more people on the ground lifting and two up top grabbing it and pulling. Just about the time it was out of the hands of the people below the people above had a good enough grip to hold onto it. Thank goodness for friction.
Because it is a hip roof there were lots of triangles of wood to cut, some of them on the ground before and some on the roof after the wood was up there.
Then there was all the nailing, at first the wood was just nailed down enough to keep it from moving then we went back and spent a long time finishing the nailing. It is very tiring working up on roofs. The first day I nailed so much I got a blister.
Liz didn't really spend time on the roof (so if her father sees this, he shouldn't worry), but she did help some with screening vents. And she helped a lot where she could stand on the flat attic floors and work through parts of the roof without wood on them yet. You can't really tell from the photo but she is 7 1/2 months pregnant.
We have also trimmed all the rafter tails, they were cut long so the ends stuck out too much, and some more than others, much better than being too short.
The house is really different now. It seem so dark inside and really feels boxed in, like a house. But is looks kind of like a barn with so many strawbales inside still :)
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