Lots of wild birds around, and quite a few domesticated ones too. I have not seen wild turkeys since I got here, but I did see some on the drive in. I have seen lots of ravens, and heard them too, not only vocalizing but there wings overhead when they fly by. The sound of the wind on their feathers is quite loud. They also steal chicken food and eggs from the chicken house :( There are lots of small twittery birds too, I do not know what kinds they are but every morning I wake up to bird songs. Not really intricate songs but the sounds of birds chirping. A few days ago I saw a red headed woodpecker, it didn't seem scared of me at all, it went on pecking, looked up at me for a second, and went back to pecking, looked up at me, etc. Bright red head, pretty large bird. It must have been looking for bugs in the fallen oak it was pecking at.

And today next to the path I saw a smallish blue half an egg shell, I didn't see a nest above it so I am not sure quite how it got there.
And they ordered a bunch of baby chicks. There already are chickens here but only hens and they don't seem to be hens that want to sit on eggs, even when there was a rooster (it got eaten by raccoons a while ago). So they ordered baby chicks through the mail, they get mailed right after they hatch and there are a few days when they don't need to eat so they arrive at the post office alive and thirsty, and hungry. We got quite a few, they are all living in a large wooden box with a light in it for heat, boards on top, and blankets on top of that to keep it warm enough. They are already getting in some of their larger feathers, at first they were just fuzz balls with heads and feet. I think 10 different varieties were ordered, and they do look quite different from each other.

And today next to the path I saw a smallish blue half an egg shell, I didn't see a nest above it so I am not sure quite how it got there.
And they ordered a bunch of baby chicks. There already are chickens here but only hens and they don't seem to be hens that want to sit on eggs, even when there was a rooster (it got eaten by raccoons a while ago). So they ordered baby chicks through the mail, they get mailed right after they hatch and there are a few days when they don't need to eat so they arrive at the post office alive and thirsty, and hungry. We got quite a few, they are all living in a large wooden box with a light in it for heat, boards on top, and blankets on top of that to keep it warm enough. They are already getting in some of their larger feathers, at first they were just fuzz balls with heads and feet. I think 10 different varieties were ordered, and they do look quite different from each other.

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