Strawberry House, Two Walls Up !!!

The second wall that went up was strawbale. It is the north wall and strawbale is good for that since it is extra insulating the north won't get sun to warm it up. Bales are stacked on each other and tied to thin boards that go up and down to keep them in place, there are also metal strips going at a diagonal for structural support. Then a plaster is put on them to protect them. The first layer if plaster was just started. The gap in the strawbale wall will be filled in later during a workshop, also they need to get the window that will be up in it before it goes up, or at least know how big it will be.

I took photos of the whole house and had the computer stitch them together into one, it makes things looked curved that are not, the house is a rectangle and the boards up are straight, more or less. As you can see the west wall is starting to be framed too, it will be slip straw and should get worked on this weekend during the work party.
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