Goats Leave :(
Last Thursday Jim took his goats away :(. Emerald Earth had decided they couldn't keep them over the winter, there was no place for them to live and there are going to be so few people living here. Cathy, who came to the week long workshop a month ago, is taking them, she has land and a barn and had been thinking of getting livestock. Jim is traveling for almost a year and needed someone to keep them while he is away. When he gets back next summer he is going to take two of them back.

Jim had taken the three male kids when he left a few weeks ago, partly because he was going to miss his goats, partly to give the moms a break from having to produce so much milk, and to give Summer (the female of the triplets) a chance to have more milk, she is the one who broke her leg a few months ago. It seemed Summer did miss her brothers though, where as before she had ignored the wild turkeys as they walked through, she started chasing them. Although they seemed happy eating side by side too, they like the same foods it seems.
Cathy is going to take care of the three boys as well as the 5 goats which were still here so they got reunited. I talked to her and she said they were happy to see each other, and that the four adults and one kid in the van riding the few hours to her place were not too unhappy.
We started by putting their food in the back of Jim's van so the goats would not get into it, then we took the fence down and let the goats wander. They did get into trouble. Twice or three times when we left the door open they walked into the common house. Golda seems to like jumping up on tables, both the eating table I got a picture of her on and a metal table we had been using to hold stuff for milking, that one she broke and slide off of. While we had lunch outside Heather sat with a hose by the serving table and warded them off by spraying when they tried to eat our food. Goats do not like getting wet and will run from a spraying hose. I think the goats had fun on their romp. They also walked around and got to eat all sorts of plants.
The van was heavily loaded, lots of goat paraphernalia on top and inside, food, hay, milking stands, a feeder, a cage, the walls of small pen and more, as well as 5 goats and two people.

Jim had taken the three male kids when he left a few weeks ago, partly because he was going to miss his goats, partly to give the moms a break from having to produce so much milk, and to give Summer (the female of the triplets) a chance to have more milk, she is the one who broke her leg a few months ago. It seemed Summer did miss her brothers though, where as before she had ignored the wild turkeys as they walked through, she started chasing them. Although they seemed happy eating side by side too, they like the same foods it seems.
Cathy is going to take care of the three boys as well as the 5 goats which were still here so they got reunited. I talked to her and she said they were happy to see each other, and that the four adults and one kid in the van riding the few hours to her place were not too unhappy.
We started by putting their food in the back of Jim's van so the goats would not get into it, then we took the fence down and let the goats wander. They did get into trouble. Twice or three times when we left the door open they walked into the common house. Golda seems to like jumping up on tables, both the eating table I got a picture of her on and a metal table we had been using to hold stuff for milking, that one she broke and slide off of. While we had lunch outside Heather sat with a hose by the serving table and warded them off by spraying when they tried to eat our food. Goats do not like getting wet and will run from a spraying hose. I think the goats had fun on their romp. They also walked around and got to eat all sorts of plants.
The van was heavily loaded, lots of goat paraphernalia on top and inside, food, hay, milking stands, a feeder, a cage, the walls of small pen and more, as well as 5 goats and two people.
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