Saturday, May 27, 2006

"Scrub the Fairy"

We have been playing games in the evenings quite a bit and a favorite is called Scrub the Fairy. It takes quite a few people and each person starts out with a large blank piece of paper and writes a phrase or sentence across the top of the page. They then hand it to the person to their left who reads the sentence and draws a picture to represent the sentence, not taking up too much room on the page, folds the sentence over so it can't be seen and hand the paper to the person on their left, who looks at the picture and writes a phrase to represent the picture, folds down the picture so only their sentence shows and hands it to the person on their left, etc switching back and forth between a picture and sentence/phrase. When the paper is used to the bottom or in a smaller group the paper gets back to the original person, the game is over and the papers are flattened out and read/looked at and laughter ensues.

It can be quite amazing how transitions get made, we had one where Arnold turned into Elvis, and one where a yoga mat turned into a log, then into sushi but the scorpions also included in that one stayed scorpions throughout although the person pictured changed from one person to someone else then back then into a fairy, then a mosquito queen. It is fun and very funny.


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