Sunday, July 16, 2006

Work Party Day Two

Today I worked with the garden crew, there was also house building but I didn't help or take photos, so an update on that will have to wait. But we did fun gardening, we harvested garlic, fava beans, and the rest of the wheat. A bed and a half of wheat was planted, well modern wheat, oats, triticale, and an ancient variety of wheat. We had harvested the regular wheat a few weeks ago and stacked it in shocks to finish drying and today we harvested the other grains and threshed and cleaned the wheat. We also braided garlic that had been harvested a few weeks ago (the photo of the wagon is that garlic right after I harvested it), and shelled fava beans for seed and to eat as dry beans. Most of the fava beans we ate when they were fresh and green, but dried they are a beautiful dark purple.


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